What is it about a royal wedding that sends us into a frenzy?

Now that the last touches of icing are being added to the cake, final dress fittings are nearing completion and peonies are at the ready, the countdown to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s upcoming nuptials is in full swing. And boy do we know it.

Whether you love them or loathe them, come this Saturday you will be hard pressed to avoid talk of the wedding. Who wears what, what drama will unfold, will they stick to tradition: no decorative stone will be left unturned.

And it’s just as well it’s almost here, because if we are to endure any more ridiculous speculation about the big day, or any more cruel embarrassment of Meghan’s family in the press (see Meghan’s father innocently Googling the couple in an Internet café), or are asked to believe the pair are in some way related one more time, I think the population will collectively flip out.

Of course, it was to be expected that when the young “bad boy” brother, Prince Harry, finally got hitched, the lens of the world’s press would be firmly fixated. But why has taking things to the extreme become the norm? Must we exhaust every storyline and tell outright lies in some instances just to read something “new” about them?

I think it’s refreshing that his chosen bride doesn’t fit the cookie cutter mould of someone soon to become a member of the royal family. Much like Kate Middleton, she is a commoner (or as common a beautiful American actress can be). She is also a divorcee, and she is black.

But whilst this refreshingly progressive step for the monarchy should be celebrated, the coverage has been taken to extremes.

As the BBC gets set to broadcast footage throughout the day on Saturday at Windsor Castle, many are choosing to host their own mini parties to celebrate.

With most people either falling firmly into the ‘let’s celebrate with them’ camp, or ‘we couldn’t care less’ camp, it will be a day of divided opinion, with royalists and republicans given fresh fuel to collide over the relevance of the royal family. Whilst the idea of paying for a monarchy to live a life of wealth and luxury whilst we still see widespread poverty doesn’t sit well with me, I’ll admit I will undoubtedly watch the highlights, ooohing and aaahing at the choice of dress and decoration. We love a good wedding in the UK, And when distractions are needed from issues like Brexit, a day of happiness and celebration is surely nothing to turn our noses up at.

What I do hope, however, is that once Saturday has been and gone, normal life can resume. Let’s let the happy couple enjoy married life, whilst we all carry on with business as usual.

If you’re open to embracing this cause for celebration, I suggest stocking up on fizz, strawberries and finger food and jumping in wholeheartedly. And for those hoping to enjoy a nuptial-free weekend: bolt the door, skip your weekend paper, and for goodness’ sake, switch off the TV and radio.