LABOUR councillors on the education committee united to try and convince members to invest £19.7 million to rebuild St Martin’s Primary School on the current site.

The four-strong Labour group, led by Councillor John Mooney, supported by councillors Martin Rooney, Danny Lennie and John Millar, moved an amendment that St Martin’s be rebuilt along with Riverside Early Years at a cost of £19.7 million, monies he claimed was available in the Capital Plan.

He said: “The St Martin’s project can progress as the new school could be built on its current site on a single level. St Martin’s community are entitled to have clarity about the long-term future of their school.

Any assessment should take account of the long-term sustainability of St Martin’s and the potential for future growth at the school.”

Labour claimed that the Capital Plan, prior to March 5, this year, showed £20 million available for investment, £5m not spent in 2017/18, £8m not allocated in 2018/19 and £7m not allocated in 2019/20.

Cllr Mooney added: “The council had £4m in the regeneration Capital fund which could include investment in new schools.

“There is also specific Scottish Government capital to support the expansion of early years and any new build could potentially draw on this fund as required.”

A new build of St Martin’s, explained Cllr Mooney, would give them “a clear future” and allow the other projects at St Mary’s and Renton Primary to go ahead.