PEOPLE in Dumbarton and the Vale were given the opportunity to explore some of the region’s most fascinating venues as part of the annual Doors Open Days event.

The event is Scotland’s largest free festival that celebrates heritage and the built environment.

The aim of Doors Open Days is to ensure that Scotland’s spaces and stories, new and old, are made accessible to people living and visiting the country.

Attractions participating this year included the Denny Tank Museum, the Masonic Lodge in Alexandria and St Augustine’s Church in Dumbarton.

Jeremy Watson, chairman of Lennox Heritage Society, said: “There is an extraordinary range of very interesting buildings in West Dunbartonshire, of which only a small sample were shown off this year.

“Doors Open Days provides opportunities to see those not usually open to the public; or those simply out of our gaze most of the time.

“A principle is that any buildings must be free to visit on the day. We were fortunate to have the Denny Ship Model Experiment Tank, usually referred to simply as the Denny Tank Museum, participate this year and they waived the entrance fee for the day.

“Other attractions this year were the extraordinary Masonic Lodge in Alexandria and the very attractive St Augustine’s Church in Dumbarton.

“But “Doors Open” can be interpreted, not just as open buildings, but in the “opening” of opportunities in other ways too.

“This year this included a guided Heritage and History Walk along the River Leven and Inspirational Walks in Levengrove and Dalmuir Parks.”