The recent deep cuts to jobs and services made by the Labour council will have far-reaching punitive consequences for many constituents who rely on various services.

If the council does not change course and agree to challenge the Tory underfunding of Scotland then the future for local public services and jobs looks dire.

The cuts can't continue. The Tories have never fully believed in the principle of local democratically elected councils.

Local councils are in danger of assisting the establishment to undermine local democracy by cutting public services and jobs and privatising other public services. We have seen a start to this locally in West Dunbartonshire by Labours 24/25 budget allowing more road works being given to the private sector resulting in job losses.

The brown bin charge of £60 to dispose of garden waste has caused a real stooshie locally where there is widespread public opposition to this charge, which I understand is one of the highest levied in Scotland. Some years back WDC started charging for bulk uplifts of household goods, the expected happened - massive fly tipping. It appears this unfair £60 charge might have the same outcome.