PRIMARY four pupils at Christie Park Primary School celebrated Burns Night with a festivity of Irn-Bru and shortbread.

The annual supper, usually held around January 25, honours the National Bard with a night of haggis, neeps and tatties as well as readings of Robert Burns’ work, and the young pupils were ready to make their own day of it with a wee celebration.

The P4s rallied together – setting up a company called the The Irn-Bru Crew to organise the event, before creating a logo to advertise their take on the celebration.

Each of the children took on their own role for the occasion, with the catering team responsible for providing the shortbread and Irn-Bru, while other kids organised a programme for the afternoon.

Christie Park pupils were just a few of the millions across the globe that rejoiced in their own Burns Night, with the poet celebrated in even the most far flung places such as China, Australia, Russia and North America.