CHRISTIE Park primary celebrated Maths Week Scotland by taking part in a variety of maths activities.

The week is a celebration of maths in everyday life and helps to show children how numbers can be fun through number-inspired exercises and exciting maths activities.

Primaries 1 to 7 at Christie Park took part in the special tasks including using natural materials to develop counting skills, symmetry in the world around us, coding skills, maths in everyday life and an escape room challenge and treasure hunt.

The older pupils took on the challenge of the local Sumdog competition and were very competitive.

Christie Park Primary Headteacher, Ms Penny, said: “This year’s Maths Week saw our teachers being extremely creative in preparing fun and exciting maths experiences which were thoroughly enjoyed by our pupils.

“Maths Week is a great opportunity to raise the profile of maths with children and their families and show how we use numbers every day and not just in our classrooms. It was great to see the children enjoying the different methods and teachers using fun creative and exciting ways to encourage our pupils to develop good numeracy skills.

“This year pupils will be sharing their work virtually so family members can see what the children have been working on at school.”