AN ALEXANDRIA man who launched a brick through his sister’s window and called an officer a “fathead” has been locked up.

Richard Heritage, first became angry when he had issues with his mobile but quickly escalated when asked to leave the house.

Fiscal depute Heather Galbraith said that Heritage was staying at his sister’s home in North Street, Alexandria for a few days. However on the morning of December 27, 2021 there was an issue with his phone causing him to become angry.

She asked Heritage to contact the vets about a pet’s medication, but he became aggressive.

Ms Galbraith said the 35-year-old shouted: “I can’t f*****g do it. It ‘s not f*****g open.”

He also called his sister “a fat b***h and a fat cow.”

He was asked to leave but began throwing items around the house, and slammed the door so hard that the screws fell out of the hinge.

Outside, Heritage began shouting “get my f*****g keys, I need my keys”, demanded to be let back in, and then picked up a brick and threw it at the window, causing it to smash.

Police were called to the property and caught Heritage outside with his dog; he swore at the cops and gestured at them with his two middle fingers, before telling them “if you touch my dog I’m going to take your faces off” and “f*** off, fathead.”

Ms Galbraith said Heritage was later released on bail with a special condition not to enter North Street – but later that day police were called and told Heritage was back at the property. They found him leaning on the door shouting his sister’s name.

Brian McGuire, defending, said his client, who appeared from custody for the January 18 hearing, had relied on his sister for support.

He said: “He suffers with PTSD and personality disorder. He detected a deterioration in his wellbeing and mental health so went to stay with his sister. Unfortunately she suffered the consequences.

“There had been an argument over the phone and she told him she wanted him to go. It made the situation very anxious. He seems somewhat isolated and his support network is his sister.

“The choices here are quite stark. He has been taking steps himself to try to address those difficulties.”

Sheriff Frances McCartney said: “I am not convinced there is a direct alternative to custody.”

Heritage was handed a six-month jail term, backdated to December 29 when he was first remanded. in custody.