A SPEED camera is set to begin operating in Cardross within the next few weeks, a police inspector has confirmed.

Local Inspector Roddy MacNeill’s news concerning the village’s speeding hotspot was welcomed by community chiefs during a meeting of Argyll and Bute Council’s Helensburgh and Lomond Community Planning Group, which took place on February 10.

The issue of motorists not observing the 30mph limit in the village has been raised regularly in recent years by the police, councillors, community councillors and residents.

Insp MacNeill said: “Speeding is an issue for us and we continue to address it as best we can. We now have two laser guns which are in use constantly.

“There is also now a permanent speed camera going on to the Main Road in Cardross. It should go in next week and be fully operational by the second week of March. It has all been rubber-stamped and it is finally going ahead at last.”