AN Alexandria woman has received a glowing report for her childminding services by the Care Inspectorate.

Janette Munro, who provides her childminding service from her family home on Bramblehedge Path in Jamestown, had an unannounced visit in August.

The quality of care and support given to children was praised by the watchdog, by receiving the highest grade of “excellent” in almost of almost areas.

Inspectors found that each child had their own personal folder recording their development and the food choices reflected children’s preferences and allergies.

The report stated: “To support children’s specific care needs, we found the childminder had undertaken additional training to encourage children’s speech and language. This included using phonics a method of teaching with sounds and symbols.

“Floor books were used to record each child’s learning and development. These followed the progress of children from starting the service. We saw children’s comments, mark-making, photographs, and pictures which reflected their interests and learning.”

And parents agreed with the watchdog that Ms Munro provided an excellent service to their children and valued the time spent outdoors.

One parent said: “The children always spend a huge amount of time outdoors and are involved in numerous community groups and access many community amenities.”

Another added: “Our son loves fresh fruit and vegetables and always has healthy and well-rounded snacks and meals, both hot and cold, with Jannette which he loves.”

With funding from West Dunbartonshire Council, Ms Munro was able to purchase wet suits, wellies, and children’s binoculars to support children with their play and learning. This enabled all children to participate in various outdoor experiences.

Ms Munro told the Reporter: “This grade was only possible because of the fantastic families past and present I have minded.

“I also have great support from my fellow childminders who also have excellent care inspectorate reports. The council is also key to my business to provide blended care and the help I’ve had from our childminding support officer has been exceptional.”