A family of seven beavers has been successfully moved to Loch Lomond for the first time in hundreds of years.

Marking another major milestone for the species’ return in Scotland, RSPB Scotland translocated a pair of beavers and their five young offspring (two yearlings and three kits) from an area in Tayside as part of plans to speed up the return of beavers to the Loch Lomond National Nature Reserve.

The move to the reserve - jointly managed by RSPB Scotland, Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Authority and NatureScot - is the first time beavers have been found in the area since they became extinct in the UK in the 16th century.

Loch Lomond is also only the third location in Scotland where a beaver translocation has taken place since the reintroduction trial at Knapdale in 2009.

Anne McCall, director of RSPB Scotland, said: “We are delighted to have been able to offer a home to this family of beavers, speeding up their return to Loch Lomond.

"The National Nature Reserve, with its mix of open water, fen and wet woodland is a perfect place for them. As nature’s engineers they manage and create habitat in ways we could never hope to replicate.

Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter: Loch Lomond is also only the third location in Scotland where a beaver translocation has taken place since the reintroduction trial at Knapdale in 2009.Loch Lomond is also only the third location in Scotland where a beaver translocation has taken place since the reintroduction trial at Knapdale in 2009. (Image: PA)

“We are looking forward to seeing the many benefits this should bring to other wildlife from birds to dragonflies, fish to frogs, both on our nature reserve and in the wider NNR.

"We also hope our visitors will be able to enjoy spotting their natural engineering feats in the coming years.

"But, most of all we hope this translocation will mark the start of beavers returning to more of Scotland bringing with them a much-needed boost for biodiversity”.

The licence to move beavers to Loch Lomond was granted late last year by government agency NatureScot.

Following this, the family of beavers were captured and then underwent a series of health checks and tests at the Five Sisters Zoo, in West Lothian, where they were held until being taken to the RSPB Scotland nature reserve last Friday to be released. 

On the day, the beavers were released with just ten people present at the release to minimise any possible stress to the beavers.

Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter: The kits’ crates were opened first, and they seemed initially reluctant to leave the warmth of the straw inside, before tentatively emerging.The kits’ crates were opened first, and they seemed initially reluctant to leave the warmth of the straw inside, before tentatively emerging. (Image: NQ)


Each then seemed to have a different and individual reaction – two returned to the crates for a time while three entered the burn with the adult male.

The female’s crate was opened last and she immediately entered the water with a big tail slap.

Then the whole family were away to explore their new home on the floodplain of the River Endrick.

Biodiversity minister Lorna Slater said: “It’s been a delight to witness the translocation of this family of beavers to their new home in the Loch Lomond Nature Reserve.

“This once lost species were driven to extinction in Scotland, but are becoming an established part of our natural environment once again.

"Through translocation projects like this one, beavers are slowly being reintroduced across the country and helping to promote biodiversity and restore nature.

“Now children growing up in Scotland will grow up alongside beavers - learning about the amazing things that they do, like natural flood management, and creating wetland habitats that support a range of other species.

“This represents an amazing story of regaining something that was lost, of getting that abundance back and passing on a nature-positive legacy for future generations.

"I am thankful to NatureScot and the RSPB for their work with this particular project and others like it, supporting the expansion of beaver populations across Scotland.”

Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter: The Beaver Trust described the moment as incredibly fulfilling.The Beaver Trust described the moment as incredibly fulfilling. (Image: The Beaver Trust)

Roisin Campbell-Palmer from The Beaver Trust managed the translocation process. She said: “It's incredibly fulfilling to release this family into Loch Lomond NNR today.

"It's an ideal home for them with lots of suitable habitat where they will be able to bring real biodiversity benefits.

"It's a great achievement for everyone involved and an important step in the restoration of beavers in Scotland.

“In line with Scotland's new beaver strategy to 2045 we hope that conservation translocations such as this are recognised as a welcome alternative to lethal control, and a key tool in restoring the species that become normalised.”