A VALE woman has confessed to taking drinks from the glasses of other customers at a pub in Balloch - and to throwing furniture at a police officer.

Dumbarton Sheriff Court heard last week how heavily-intoxicated Angela Miller, of McCulloch Lane, Alexandria, attempted to buy alcohol from the Dog House pub in Balloch but was refused.

She was escorted off the premises by one of the workers on the night of June 2, 2019, but returned a couple of hours later.

When staff spotted her, they told colleagues Miller was not to be served as she was unsteady on her feet and still under the influence.

The court heard that when two customers went outside for a cigarette, leaving their glasses on the table, Miller seized the opportunity to drink from one of them.

A pub worker took an empty glass from 49-year-old Miller who then apologised.

Then, 30 minutes, later, Miller grabbed a glass of wine from the table occupied by the same couple.

As Miller was restrained she shouted “get off me, I am going to f****ng stab you” and continued to lash out until police arrived.

Miller was recorded shouting “I’ll f*****g slash her”.

In a separate incident in the early hours of April 19 last year police were asked to attend a disturbance at Miller’s home.

When they arrived they saw Miller shouting from the window and when they went inside to speak with her she said ‘you two can f*** off’.

Cops tried to explain to her why they were there, but she shouted them out, throwing belongings across the room and pushing a chest of drawers towards police.

Officers tried to restrain her but she repeatedly pulled her arms away.

Miller appeared on March 16 to plead guilty to charges of acting in a threatening and abusive manner by shouting, swearing, uttering threats of violence in the Dog House incident and challenging others to a fight at her home.

She also admitted assaulting a cop by throwing furniture at him, struggling with him and repeatedly scratching him on the body.

Sheriff David Nicolson placed Miller on a structured deferred sentence for four months.

A review was set for July.