DUMBARTON Youth volunteers have been praised for their efforts at the recent Fire Cadet Games in Liverpool.

The team of youngsters travelled to Merseyside to represent the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) at the national event which sees youth volunteers from around the country compete against each other in various tasks.

The Dumbarton crew set up camp next to Merseyside's training college and took part in the event at the city’s Albert Docks and were commended for their performance, especially in the First Aid section of the competition.

The event ended with a campsite inspection and awards, with Merseyside being crowned the overall winners.

Local senior officer Joe McKay said: “These events are character-building for young people and give them opportunities to grow, learn and display their skills.

“Our youth volunteers did Scotland and the SFRS proud.

I would also like to thank Watch Commander Tony McGloin, Youth Volunteer Unit Leader Alan Young, Youth Volunteer Instructors Aidan Montague and Iain Middleton for attending the weekend and providing support.

Thanks also to Merseyside for hosting a well-organised event and congratulations to their winning team.”

The young people were scored on areas such as Home Fire Safety Visits, Community Safety Engagement and Presentation, Water Rescue, First Aid/Trauma and a technical course where they were tasked with displaying skills such as hose running and knots and lines.

They also participated in a treasure hunt around various museums at the docks.

The Games have now passed to South Wales who will host the next Cadet Games in two years’ time.