A CARDROSS church minister says she is “indebted” to generous locals who helped raise more than £1,000 for her church.

The Cardross Parish Church raised almost £1,500 at their Christmas Fair on Saturday, November 25 where residents browsed stalls and enjoyed tea and cakes.

Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter: Rev Maggie McArthur with the three new church eldersRev Maggie McArthur with the three new church elders (Image: John Young)

Rev Maggie McArthur said: “[We raised] an amazing amount, considering the financial pressures that so many people are under at the moment.

“People have been so generous with their donations and we’re indebted to all our volunteers who manned the stalls, tea room and provided some wonderful home baking.”

Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter: The event included a prize raffleThe event included a prize raffle (Image: John Young)

The Christmas Fair was just the start of what proved to be a busy weekend as on Sunday, November 26 three new elders were ordained and joined the Cardross Parish Church’s Kirk Session.

Rosemary Wilson, Helen McCulloch and Kirstine Young all dedicated themselves to taking responsibility for the congregation.

Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter: The tea and home baking went down a treatThe tea and home baking went down a treat (Image: John Young)

Their new role as elders will see them focus on worship, mission, and serving the wider community.

Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter: Christmas goods were on saleChristmas goods were on sale (Image: John Young)

Dumbarton and Vale of Leven Reporter: The Christmas Fair lit everyone's faces up with a smileThe Christmas Fair lit everyone's faces up with a smile (Image: John Young)

(Photos: John Young)