THE Aldi in Alexandria is set to close this summer for three months while it undergoes a refurbishing programme of £3.7 million. 

During Tuesday's licensing board, West Dunbartonshire councillors approved a new licence for the store, which sits at 80 Bank Street, to increase its alcohol display to 41.5m2.

The licence also allows Aldi to add recorded music during licensed hours, offer click and collect, home delivery and online sales services. 

At the meeting a representative for Aldi said: “The site is going to close in July for three months as part of a refurbishment programme which is costing £3.7 million per site.

“We are adding a new warehouse and amenity block and creating an extra aisle for produce. The chiller units will be closed which will be good for our green credentials.

“This licence will allow us to play background music, offer click and collect and home delivery services in the future.”

Aldi trialled a click and collect service during the covid-19 pandemic for people who did not want to enter the stores.

The representative added: “Customers would wait in a car parking space. Age verification would be done at that point and when the goods were taken to the car. If an employee is unsure about the age of someone they do not sell it. 

“The alcohol would be removed and taken back into the store. The same rules would apply for home delivery.

“We are still engaging with the local community and working with organisations like Food for Thought and the Blue Triangle Housing Association. 

“We have built up relationships with our customers and get to know them. We are also hoping to create five more jobs in the area and will be recruiting locally.

“We want to offer better customer services through our revamp of the site.”

Members unanimously agreed to grant the licence.