AN ACTIVITY centre in Dumbarton will be leased to a local gymnastics club in a bid to help West Dunbartonshire Council save money.

It comes following the budget meeting in March 2023 where it was agreed that councillors would review community facility provision as part of a savings option to help close the £21 million budget gap.

West Dunbartonshire Gymnastics Club, which was founded in 2011, will now lease the West Dunbartonshire Activity Centre on Ardoch Crescent from the council for a period of ten years.  

The club, which moved into the centre in 2018, offers a range of opportunities to local children by providing classes to children of all ages six days per week throughout the year, including gymnastics training to over 550 members per week.

It also provides scholarship arrangements for local children who wouldn’t otherwise be able to attend classes. 

The council has agreed a two-year rent free period and subsequent annual rental periods of £14,000,  £16,000 and £17,000 for years three, four and five have been agreed. 

The club also has the option to carry out a review on an annual basis and should they feel it is necessary, and they consider the centre is no longer a viable option they can exit the lease after serving a three month notice period.

During the Infrastructure, Regeneration, and Economic Development committee, councillor Michelle McGinty said: “I just want to take a moment to thank officers. I know that this has not been easy or straightforward and they have worked hard with the gymnastics club to get to a place today where they are able to move forward and put this lease out for a period of ten years.

“I think we should take a minute because we know it is not easy sometimes in getting these things over the line so I would like to congratulate them for their good work to get there and have the whole club in agreement and to make this a massive endeavour for the children at this gymnastics club.”

The council’s chief officer will now conclude negotiations and transactions with the club.