A West Dunbartonshire runner has raised thousands of pounds for a youth development charity at the London Marathon.

Gemma Connell, who lives and works in the area, raised £2,754 for Tullochan, which supports young people who have disengaged from school, education or employment.

The services provided by the organisation include a range of opportunities, such as personal development and life-skills sessions, woodwork and practical numeracy programmes, employability workshops, and even work placements and volunteering at The Common Good Café and Fashion Fix.

Gemma, who surpassed her fundraising aim, said: "The marathon was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but I completed it and glad that I managed it.

"I’ve not looked at a treadmill since completing the marathon."

The charity said: "Everyone at Tullochan would like to extend thanks to Gemma for raising a huge sum of money for us.

"We look forward to continuing supporting young people in and around West Dunbartonshire."

More information regarding Tullochan can be found at www.tullochan.org, or by contacting alex@tullochan.org.