In the spirit of Volunteers Week, Epilepsy Scotland has taken the opportunity to acknowledge the much-appreciated contributions made by volunteers.

The charity is observing both its 70th anniversary, and the 40th year of Volunteers Week, which runs from June 3-9.

Sophie Clifford, of Alexandria, is one of the commendable volunteers.

She has been giving her time to Epilepsy Scotland over the past six years, attending and aiding at numerous events.

She became a volunteer following the tragic loss of her best friend Samantha to Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP).

Sophie said: "Sadly, my best friend passed away from SUDEP.

"She had found out about Epilepsy Scotland and made use of their services which encouraged and supported both her and her family massively.

"I wanted to be able to give something back to them as a thank you for making a positive difference in her life.

"Becoming a volunteer was an easy choice, there are so many flexible options to lend a hand whenever suits you best.

"I have seen first-hand how crucial their support is to people that have epilepsy and their families/friends and with the volunteers' help, long may this continue."

In addition to the multitude of volunteers, the charity also wants to thank the contributions made by its Board of Trustees.

One such member is Graham Loan, who undertook the role of Vice-Chair of Epilepsy Scotland's Board in 2023.

Graham said: "The best part of being a volunteer is knowing that my efforts are making a difference to the lives of those affected by epilepsy.

"We are totally committed to the long-term future of Epilepsy Scotland."

Epilepsy Scotland supports the 58,000 people with epilepsy in Scotland and their respective families and caregivers.

The organisation offers support and information through a freephone helpline, email, text, and social media.

Virtual visits are also possible through their website.

Beyond seizures, the neurological disorder can cause a range of mental health issues.

These include anxiety, depression, suicide, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and memory loss.

Lesslie Young, chief executive of Epilepsy Scotland, said: "Without volunteers, and their very generous gift of time and skills, we would find it difficult to do what we do."

Adding to her acknowledgement of volunteers' contributions, she stressed on the importance of recognising the efforts of these selfless individuals.

She added: "Volunteers Week is a chance for us to thank them for all their contributions.

"Volunteers do not do what they do for recognition, but we think it is vital to highlight the work they do and to acknowledge their crucial contributions to our organisation and to the people living with epilepsy across Scotland; thank you."

Volunteers Week, an annual nationwide event, which takes place from the first Monday in June every year.