Residents in Dumbarton and the Vale of Leven are set to benefit from cash generated by a project aimed at sparking regeneration.

Funds raised from the sale of land in the area now known as Lomondgate, is to be redistributed to help boost community projects in the neighbouring towns.

Financial grants between £250 and £2000 will be made available via the Strathleven Foundation’s Helping Hands fund.

Applications will be decided by the foundation's board of trustees and are open to registered charities and constituted groups.

To qualify, organisations must either be located in Dumbarton and the Vale or provide services supporting individuals within these communities.

The money has come from the sale of land near the Lion’s Gates, for redevelopment.

Corporations such as the BBC, Chivas, and Premier Inn are among those who have purchased land at the site, following a project by the Strathleven Regeneration Company.

The effort began after the 1998 closure of the local J&B plant, previously a significant employment provider in the region.

Now, proceeds will be used to support local initiatives endorsed by a diverse board, including MSP Jackie Baillie and council representatives.

The Strathleven Foundation prioritises projects aimed at poverty reduction and the advance of health, education, citizenship, and community development.

The foundation's Trust co-ordinator, Cathrine Hope, said: "As long as the organisation is constituted, an application for a grant from the Helping Hands funds can be submitted.

"Full details and a list of exclusions are available on the website, but primarily anyone applying must be based in Dumbarton, including Milton, or the Vale, or delivering a project specifically for these residents."

Applications start on June 3, with the full information accessible at