A West Dunbartonshire primary school pupil delighted audiences at a joke-telling competition.

Freddie Gill, a Primary 7 student at St Patrick’s Primary School in Dumbarton, was a representative at the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists’ (RCSLT) inaugural VoiceBox joke-telling event, held at the Scottish Parliament.

Freddie was among 28 primary school children from across Scotland who had MSPs in fits of laughter while emphasising the importance of speech and language therapy.

The VoiceBox competition by RCSLT was created to highlight the pivotal role communication plays in a child’s development and the impact speech and language therapy can have on their future.

The competition is an endeavour to shed light on the power of communication, early language development and the significance of early intervention.

Freddie, for making it to the final, was recognised with a medal, a goodie-bag and £100 worth of books from HarperCollins, a token of appreciation extended to all 28 finalists.

The final round was presided by Rt Hon Alison Johnstone MSP, and compered by Zara Janjua, a BBC journalist and comedian.

Glenn Carter, Head of RCSLT Scotland, said: "VoiceBox goes beyond entertainment; it highlights the vital role of speech and language therapy in empowering children to express themselves.

"It was brilliant to see all the kids here, and the RCSLT is thrilled to have brought VoiceBox to the Scottish Parliament, where it received such enthusiastic support.

"The joy and laughter shared today highlight the power of communication and the importance of nurturing it in our young people."

Rt Hon Alison Johnstone MSP, presiding officer, added: "It was a pleasure to host the final of the VoiceBox competition at the Scottish Parliament.

"The children put so much effort and thought into their jokes, which were a testament to their creativity and confidence.

"Events like these showcase the importance of helping children find their own voice and share their unique perspectives with the world."

Lizzi Jones, Head of sales and marketing for Scotland from HarperCollins Publishers, also expressed her support saying: "We are delighted to support the development of children’s communication skills through VoiceBox and the message that it is spreading.

"We believe that this will help improve children’s literacy and comprehension abilities through the enjoyment of telling a joke."